Thursday, July 19, 2012

Grilling Peaches

It's peach season in Colorado (really! they grow peaches in Colorado) and grilling them is one of my favorite ways to dress them up. This is simple, delicious cooking at its finest.

First, you macerate (like marinate but that's the term used for fruits) the peaches in something tasty for about an hour. Then you grill them. They don't need much grilling - a few minutes per side. I like to serve them in summer main dish salads. Particularly tasty with a bit of goat cheese. They are also good on yogurt as a light dessert. Or, for a more decadent dessert, serve on ice cream.

Grilled Peaches
(serves 4-6)

3 peaches, washed and cut into halves or quarters
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 Tablespoon honey
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh basil (see note)

Mix the lime juice, honey, and basil in a medium bowl. Add peaches and stir gently to coat them. Let sit at room temperature for about 1 hour. Grill on a hot, lightly oiled grill for 3 minutes per side until you get some grill marks. The sugar in a peaches and the honey will help them brown up quickly. Serve hot or cold.

Note: Basil is particularly good with peaches but most herbs complement this tasty fruit. Try mint, thyme, rosemary, or tarragon instead of basil.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to go on the web today to get a recipe for grilled peaches - thanks for saving me a step!
